Thoughts on St. Vincent Self-Titled Album

     I've listened to two St. Vincent records, Daddy's Home and Strange Mercy. Daddy's Home is absolutely a great record, one of my favorites of 2021. Strange Mercy is a sick one as well. Definitely recommend these two stunning albums, especially Daddy's Home, that one really stands out to me.

Daddy's Home

Strange Mercy

St. Vincent

    So I checked out the self-titled because people argued that is better than all of her other stuff. It was definitely the most ambitious one she had ever done, for sure. However, being experimental and abstract at the same time, I just felt the mix and production were NOT THERE. Don't get me wrong, it's still a very forward-thinking record, but it's not as great as her other more mature stuff. My biggest issue is the instrumentation being way too stiff, almost every track has the exact same problem. Maybe I'm not the type of person to get this kind of production, maybe I'm just too normie for this stuff. 

    Overall I still enjoy this LP, It's not bad by any means. Probably a little bit overrated?

    Still worth checking out:

St. Vincent


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